HomeTech Charter School is a personalized learning public school. Our students come to school for core, enrichment and elective classes to receive instruction from qualified and caring teachers and to interact with other students; they then receive additional assignments to be completed during the week. Our Success Classes provide open time throughout the week for students to receive extra help from a teacher when needed. Student work areas provide a place for students to work on campus every week day, with access to Chromebooks, iPads, laptops, and printers.
Our campus is safe, welcoming and friendly for students and families. HomeTech Charter School emphasizes student/school/family communication, with weekly one-on-one teacher/student meetings and our online Aeries portal where parents and students can keep up to date on assignments, grades, attendance and more. HomeTech students receive full academic, social and emotional support, including intervention programs to target individual learning needs, a Credit Recovery program and an Early Graduation program. We have a counselor and special education teacher on-site full time.
HomeTech Charter School provides a unique alternative to traditional school settings, combining the benefits of independent study with a supportive classroom and campus experience and inspiring students to achieve their full potential.
HomeTech Charter School opened in 1994, when home computers were new and exciting. Our technology-based program was focused on a home school model, providing all families with the curriculum and a computer for home use. The original location included a student work area and four offices.
HomeTech Charter School evolved from an online-only program to the current WASC Accredited Personalized Learning program with direct instruction in several classroom settings. Just a month ago, HomeTech Charter moved to a beautiful, newly remodeled facility next door to our local Boys' and Girls' Club. All staff was involved while designing our outstanding school which offers a front lobby, 11 offices, 6 classrooms, a science lab, a full kitchen, conference room, playground area, and basketball courts. This move provided an opportunity for two outstanding agencies to collaborate and offer superior services for our community.
Students are now welcome on campus 8am to 4pm Monday through Friday for classes, study and assistance.
HomeTech creates a welcoming and engaging learning environment by incorporating both classroom learning and independent study. Our flexible schedule and small class sizes allow for students to build confidence in achieving current and future success. Caring staff are committed to serving students academically, socially and emotionally to meet their full potential in and out of the classroom.
All HomeTech students will be provided clear pathways leading to their post-secondary academic and vocational goals. Pathways will be paved with partnerships between our school and community. Teachers will provide the framework for a student-driven, integrated curriculum and act as a consistent resource guiding students toward success.